Members With Missing Information
Below is a list of members in which contact information is missing. Please email us at [email protected] with your current address, phone number and email. We want to keep you informed of what is going on at Zion Historical Society and Shiloh House.
Robert and Joan Biastock
Judith Lee Burrows
George Cooper
Steve Currie
Mildred DePew
Arlan Edwards
James Eliason
Gloria Gordon
Sam Grodzin
Anthony Hinden
Lilian Klebenow
John Kreuser
Rachel LaBelle
Ercel Mintern
Joann Osmond
Roger Otterson
Pedro Palu-Ay
Janine Pefley
Wesley Peterman
Ava Peterman
John Peterson
Winifred Peterson
Zella Pierce
Laura Roelofs
Susannie Roelofs
Emil Schaefer
Evelyn Schligel
Rob Spanton
Beulah Stewart
Susan Stockwell
Faye Williams
Ethel Young
Charles Young Jr.
Robert and Joan Biastock
Judith Lee Burrows
George Cooper
Steve Currie
Mildred DePew
Arlan Edwards
James Eliason
Gloria Gordon
Sam Grodzin
Anthony Hinden
Lilian Klebenow
John Kreuser
Rachel LaBelle
Ercel Mintern
Joann Osmond
Roger Otterson
Pedro Palu-Ay
Janine Pefley
Wesley Peterman
Ava Peterman
John Peterson
Winifred Peterson
Zella Pierce
Laura Roelofs
Susannie Roelofs
Emil Schaefer
Evelyn Schligel
Rob Spanton
Beulah Stewart
Susan Stockwell
Faye Williams
Ethel Young
Charles Young Jr.